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In the beginning there was a camera

From simple gimmicks with my father's camera to my first skills in Adobe Photoshop

My entire creative existence builds on one another.

For the first 3 years I taught myself photography, Photoshop and design on an autodidactic basis.

The following years were filled with numerous workshops with some of the most famous photographers of our time.

What was a hobby for me was a service for the people around me that was being used more and more frequently.

After a few years moved into the country, I had to pursue the obvious and turn my hobby into a job.

Since I decided to start my own business, I have had the privilege of being there for many notable companies and personalities.

It fills me with joy and especially proud that your comes to me for years and to be your give me always the possibility there for you.

My mentors

Jerry Ghionis

Aaron Nace

Zhuo Ya

Lindsay Adler

Benjamin Jaworskyj

Jared Polin

Keda Z

Customers who trust us
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